Bioenergetics Animal Clinic Consultations
About Bioenergetics
Hinterland energetics Animal Clinic uses Bioresonance, a form of alternative medicine, that assists in detecting energetic imbalances within the body. This is based on the idea that all living organisms emit electromagnetic frequencies that can be measured and balanced. Using this approach, at our clinic, we use two different Bioresonance devices, which assist in measuring and analysing these frequencies to identify imbalances and potential issues presenting in your animal. We can specifically assess and help dogs, cats, bovine and horses. Although these are the most common animals, many others have also been assisted, so please reach out if you have any questions. Most consultations are conducted distantly however, in some serious cases, it may be advised that the animal attend the clinic.
If you’re unsure if Bioenergetics is the right fit for your animals' health concerns, please contact Nicole directly with your queries.

Each Bioenergetics session addresses the need for frequency drops to maintain the energetics between sessions. These can be posted, if not attending the clinic in person with your animal, or more regular therapy sessions may be advised to stay on top of presenting issues.
Distance Sessions?
Don't let the challenges of Distance or Lockdowns stop you moving forward with helping your beloved pet from maintaining optimal health. You can access this amazing healing technology "Right Now" from anywhere in the world!
What Happens in a Distance / Remote Bioenergetics Session?
Nicole will connect with your animals energetic field using a photo, hair, saliva or blood sample. The universe is full of extremely powerful healing energy. At Hinterland Energetics, Nicole practises this alternative healing approach. She works at the physical, mental and emotional levels to ensure the well-being of the whole animal. A Bioenergetics session aims to harmonise imbalances, provide feedback, and give clarity to owners.
Contact Nicole below to find out more, and set up your free phone consultation.
Initial Consultation
$240 (Allow 2 hours)
Subsequent Consultations
$120 per hour
Frequency Drops - $30 per bottle ( includes postage )

The 'Bioresonance Explained' book written by Marcia Pitman and Louise Porter of LifeWorks Health Clinic in Brisbane is available to purchase at Hinterland Energetics Clinic for $30